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Selasa, 01 Februari 2011


"I came - out of nowhere,
I was - something or other,
I went - some where,
I will die - at some point,
I was surprised that I'm happy. "
(Martinus from Biberach,
medieval figures.)

1. Men ask

Facing the reality of his life, man is in awe of what he saw, people in doubt whether he was not deceived by the five-senses, and began to realize its limitations. In that situation many are turning to religion:

"People expect from the various religions answers to the hidden secrets about the situation of human life. Same as before, now the secret is deeply disturbing human heart: what is the meaning and purpose of our lives, what is good what is sin, what is the origin and what the purpose of suffering, which seems the way to achieve true happiness, what is death, what the court and reward after death, what was finally the last and inexpressible mystery, that surrounds our existence, from which we come and to him we go? "- Ages We (no.1), the Declaration of the Second Vatican Council of the Catholic Church's attitude towards religions non-Christian, 1965.

One result of reflection about it, which depart from the faith-filled attitude of taqwa to God, found in Psalm 8:

"O Lord, our God, how majestic is thy name in all the earth!
KeagunganMu that the heavens were sung.
The mouth of infants and children who breastfed speak to You, silencing the enemy and opponent.
When I consider thy heavens, thy fingers, the moon and the stars which thou hast ordained;
What is man that thou art mindful of him?
Who is he that You visit him? - Thou hast made him almost the same as God, and crowned him with glory and honor.
You made him rule over your hand-made, everything has been Kauletakkan under his feet:
flocks and herds and gentlemen,
also the beasts of the field;
birds of the air and fish in the sea,
and what is crossing the ocean currents.
O Lord, our God, how glorious thy name in all the earth! "

2. Human philosophizing

But already since the beginning of history turns full faith god-fearing attitude did not hold people to use reason and thoughts to find out what exactly is behind all reality (reality) that. The process is finding out that generate consciousness, which is called knowledge. If the process has the characteristics of methodical, systematic and coherent, and how to get it accountable, it gives birth to science.

Science is the knowledge that (1) prepared methodical, systematic and coherent ("concerned") about a certain field of reality (reality), and that (2) can be used to explain certain phenomena in the field (knowledge) is.

The more science to explore and pursue specific matters of fact (reality), the more obvious demands to find out about all the reality (reality).

Philosophy is the knowledge methodical, systematic and coherent about the whole reality (reality). Philosophy is the rational reflection (thought) over the whole of reality to achieve the essence (= truth) and gain wisdom (= wisdom).

Al-Kindi (801-873 AD): "The highest graded human activity is a philosophy which is the true knowledge about the nature of everything that exists as far as possible for human beings ... The philosophy of the most noble is the first philosophy, the knowledge of truth which is the first cause of all truth. "

The element of "rational" (the use of reason) in this activity is a necessary condition, in an effort to learn and express "fundamental" human odyssey in his world to the hereafter. Called "basically" because the effort was intended to lead to the formulation of the first causes or final causes, or even the deepest causes of the object being studied ("material objects"), the "man in the world in wandering into the afterlife ". That's Rerum per causas ultimas scientia - knowledge of the matters based on the whys and wherefores of the most deeply.

Karl Popper (1902 -?) Wrote "all men are philosophers, because all have one attitude toward life and death. Some say that life is without price, because life is going to end. They do not realize that the reverse argument can also be raised , namely that if life will not end, then life is without price, that danger is always present which makes us to lose life at kuran gnya come help us to realize the value of life. " Given philosophize is to think about life, and "think" = "to think" (England) = "denken" (Germany), then - according to Heidegger (1889-1976), the "thinking" is actually our "grateful" = "to thank "(English) =" danken "(Germany) to the Giver of life for all the gift of life given to us.

It is also interesting to note that the word "wisdom" Inggerisnya language is "wisdom", with the root word "wise" or "wissen" (German) which means to know. In the Norwegian language that was "viten", which has the same root Sanskrit word "vidya" which Indonesianized become "widya". The word is close to the word "widi" in "Hyang Widi" = God. The word "vidya" too close to the Greek word "idea", which was first posed by Socrates / Plato and constantly explored by philosophers throughout the ages.

According to Aristotle (384-322 BC), thought we passed the 3 types of abstraction (abstrahere = distance themselves from, take from). Each type of abstraction gave birth to a single type of building science knowledge at that time called the philosophy:

The first abstraction level - physics. We started thinking if we observe. In thinking, reason and kindness we "break away" from the observation of certain aspects of the human senses, namely "material that can be felt" ("hyle aistete"). Of particular matters and real, drawn from it the things that are common: that the process of abstraction from individual characteristics. Human reason, along with material that "abstract" is, menghasilan science called "physics" ("physos" = natural).

The second level of abstraction - matesis. In the process of further abstraction, we can break away from material that is visible. That happens when the mind let go of material that can be understood only in terms ("hyle noete"). Science produced by the type of abstraction of all the properties of this material called "matesis" ("math" - mathesis = knowledge, science).

Third abstraction level - theology or "first philosophy". We can either "abstrahere" of all matter and think about the whole truth, about the origin and destination, on the principle of formation, etc.. Level physics and math levels clearly have us leave. Thinking at this level produced by Aristotle's science called theology, or "first philosophy". However, because science is "coming after" physics, then in the tradition hereinafter referred to as metaphysics.

In short, philosophy includes "everything". Philosophy comes before and after science; called "before" because of all the special science began as part of the philosophy and the "after" because of the special sciences must deal with questions about the boundaries of specialization.

3. Human theology

Theology is the: knowledge methodical, systematic and coherent about the whole reality based on faith. Simply put, faith can be defined as a human attitude before God, Who is absolutely holy and Yang, who is recognized as the source of all life in the universe. Faith exists in a person, among others, through education (eg by parents), but may also through its own efforts, for example, carefully contemplating his life in front of the giver's life. In this case understood as the reality of God's most amazing and thrilling. Surely the last in the sense that theology is philosophical as well.

Faith is a mental attitude. Manifest one's faith in the attitude, behavior and actions, against each other and to the environment. If the same faith (whatever the meaning of the word "same" it) is on and is owned by a number or group of people, then what happens is the process of institutionalization. Institutionalization of the example in the form of (1) procedures for how the group wanted to express his faith in prayer and worship, (2) tatanilai and rules that serve as guidelines for the appreciation and practice of faith in daily activities, and (3) the order of teaching or the content of faith to be communicated (broadcast) and preserved. If institutionalization that happens, the religion was born. Therefore, religion is a social manifestation of faith.


(1) The process is called the institutionalization of business that are methodical, systematic and coherent over the fact the form of awareness of the presence of the Reality that transcends life. In this context the word seems reasonable ("'aql") and word knowledge ("' ilm ') has been used in the text of the Qur'an. Proximity word 'ilm with the adjective' religious scholars said would also be understandable. Check also books Yusuf Qaradawi, "al-Qur'an speaks of reason and science", Gema Humanities Press, 1998. But it also must be said, that the word "science" in a general sense these days although a similar but still not the same as the meaning of the word "science" in the text and context of the Qur'an.
(2) The process of formation of religion as expressed here deserves to be called the approach "from below". The initiative seemed to come from humans, who want to discover the essence of his life in this world is associated with the source of life and living. Man climbing and her life in accordance with the invention. The approach "from above" on the real heavenly religions: God took the initiative revealed His will to mankind, and therefore faith is a human response on the "greeting" God.

As a science, theology reflects the relationship of God and man. Human theology because I wanted to understand his faith in a better way, and want accountable: "I know whom I have believed" (2 Tim 1:12). Theology is not religion and not the same as the Doctrine of Religion. In theology, there is an element "intellectus quaerens fidem" (reason to investigate the contents of faith) is expected to contribute substantially to the integration of reason and faith, science and faith, which in turn is very beneficial to human life today.

4. Object material and formal object

Science has the philosophy of material objects and the formal object. Material objects is what is learned and peeled as material (material) talks, the symptoms of "man in the world to wander toward the hereafter." In this phenomenon is clear there are three things stand out, namely human beings, the world and the hereafter. Then there is the philosophy of man (anthropology), philosophy of nature (cosmology), and philosophy about the afterlife (theology - philosophy divine; the word "hereafter" in the context of the life of faith can easily be replaced with the word of God). Anthropology, cosmology and theology, even looked separately, inter-related as well, because talking about that one certainly can not be separated from the others. Also talks about the philosophy of the afterlife or God only so far known to man in his world.

Formal object is the approach used for material objects, that is so typical that characterize or specialized field of activity concerned. If the approach is logical, consistent and efficient, then dihasilkanlah philosophical system.

Philosophy depart from concrete human experience in his world. Human experience that really is rich with everything that is implied wish expressly stated. In the process of intuition (a thing that exists in every experience) becomes the basis for the process of abstraction, so that the lines can be explicitly disclosed.

In philosophy, there is a philosophy of knowledge. "Every human being wants to know", was the first sentence of Aristotle in Metaphysica. Material object is a symptom of "man know." The task of philosophy is to highlight the phenomenon based on the first causality. Philosophy dig the "truth" (versus "falsehood"), "certainty" (versus "uncertainty"), "objectivity" (versus "subjectivity"), "abstraction", "intuition", of which the origin of knowledge and where the direction of knowledge. In turn the symptoms of these sciences into material objects as well, and think of it (so far carried out according to the first causality) results in philosophy of science. Specialty symptom knowledge of science against symptoms observed closely. Specificity lies in the way of work or methods contained in the sciences.

5. Branches of philosophy

5.1. Even if asked about all of reality, philosophy has always had a "philosophy of" something: about people, about nature, about the afterlife, about culture, art, language, law, religion, history, ... All are always returned to the four main areas:

1. philosophy of knowledge:
material objects: knowledge ("episteme") and truth
criticism sciences;
2. philosophy about the whole reality:
material objects: the existence (existence) and essence (substance)
general metaphysics (ontology);
special metaphysics:
anthropology (on humans);
cosmology (the universe);
teodise (about god);
3. philosophy about the values contained in an action:
material objects: goodness and beauty
4. history of philosophy.

5.2. Some explanation is given here specifically about the philosophy of knowledge. Question: What is knowledge? Where did it come from? Is there certainty in knowledge, or all just hypotheses or mere suspicion?

Questions about the possibilities of knowledge, the limits of knowledge, origin and types of knowledge discussed in epistemology. Logic ("logikos") "relates to knowledge", "related to language." Here the language is understandable as a way of how knowledge is communicated and expressed. So the logic is a branch of philosophy that investigates the health way of thinking and the rules that must be respected so that legitimate claims are.

There are a lot of science, there are trees sciences, namely the one about how science relates to other sciences. Called a tree because there must be understood mother (roots) of all sciences. Critics questioned sciences theories in dividing the sciences, the methods in the sciences, the basis of certainty and the type of information given.

5.3. By way of approach, known in philosophy there are many schools of philosophy: existentialism, phenomenology, nihilism, materialism, ... and so on.

5.4. Surely there is a philosophy of religion, namely philosophical thinking (critical, analytical, rational) about religious phenomena: the essence of religion as a form of human religious experience, the nature of human relations with the Holy One (Numen): presence of trans-empirical reality, which so affect and determine , but at the same time to form and become the basis of human behavior. The Holy One is understood as the mysterium tremendum et Fascinosum; people only believe in Him, that can be observed (by an observer) in the conduct of life filled with an attitude of "fear-and-taqwa", Wedi-lan-ing Panjenengane compassion.

So, then there is no philosophy of religion X; that there is a philosophy of religion X, namely rational thinking towards the establishment of infrastructure for the teaching of religion X. The relationship between philosophy to religion X can be likened to a relationship between the pilgrims boarded the vehicle to go on the pilgrimage to the Holy Land, and not the relationship between the pilgrims with the faith that is in the heart assembly.

Other records.

1. Faith can be described similar to an iceberg in the ocean. What appears to be only about one-tenth of the whole. Because faith is the mood, then Be proverb: "the sea can be expected, in the heart who knows". Do you know my faith will be content?

2. Well be asked "where is the location of the heart is meant here? Surely" heart "it (eg in the word" hurt "if a young woman made disappointed by the young man who became her boyfriend) is not the liver (and the word" hurt "because of your liver swell) that is maintained by the doctors at the hospital. Check also what is implied in the word "deep", "heart", "be careful", "heart of hearts", "fell in love", "conscience", and "sound heart ".

3. According to Paul A Samuelson tyranny of words is a common phenomenon in society. Often there are many words used to convey the same meaning and there are also many related meanings in one word. Man is challenged to think and speak clearly and-separated ("clearly and distinctly"), at least to avoid miscommunication and to uphold the truth. That's the advice of Rene Descartes. Even one's maturity in dealing with problems (including problems in his life) is closely connected with the ability to think and speak clearly and are-separated.

6. Rational reflection and pious reflection

When the Greeks began to create a reflection on the issues who is now a material object in philosophy and even when the results of reflection was recorded in the manuscript which is now a classic, the nation of Israel has had a number of manuscripts (now known as part of the Bible called the Old Testament). The texts were essentially the result of reflection, too, by the Patriarchs is about fate and fortune of Israel - how in the course of history as "the chosen people", they were really led (even often dihardik with hard and punished) by YHWH ( read: Yahweh), their God. Close ties with tradition and worship has made the scrolls of Scripture their religion (Jewish Religion). In turn, the Bible also has a unique position in the Christian Religion.

The nation of Israel (and Israel in the Bible) as described above is not to be understood together with the nation of Israel which now exist in the geographic area that is now called "the state of Israel."

Both reflection is different in many respects. Reflections on Greek characters (eg Plato and Aristotle) is a spark of reason and rely on their rejection of the mythology (the schools of which depict the world as always controlled by the gods and goddesses). Conversely, a reflection of the Patriarchs of Israel (eg, Moses, who is generally accepted as the author of the first five books of the Old Testament) is sustained by the heart as it is a spark acceptance of Israel over the role of the YHWH in the overall fate and history of the nation. Reflection of Pious was really a universal declaration of sincere recognition, perhaps the first in the history of mankind, the omnipotence of God's will in human life and history.

Now there is of the opinion, that the result of rational reflection that Greek leaders, assimilated with the tradition of reflection monotheistic religious life, turned out to be a seed for the birth of the sciences which is known today. Therefore, philosophy is often said to overcome every science.

In the meantime, it should be noted that in the cultural environment of India and China is also developing other nuanced reflection: the face of Asia. Reflection is real in the fruit of knowledge collected (eg in the form of "alternative medicine" needling), and in works of literature "caliber of the world" from the Indian subcontinent. Literary works were often treated as a holy book, or revered as Scripture, because it accepted as a book full of valuable things that are sacred to be guidelines for daily living.

For example, the Bhagavadgita (Seb 4th century AD). Bhagawadgita (or Gita) removed from the epic Mahabharata, from the secondary position (part of a story) to the primary position (the source of inspiration for life). In the 8th century AD, Sankara (a teacher) rather than interpreting the Gita as a guide for action, but as a guide to "mokhsa", liberation from the attachment to this world. Ramanuja (12th century AD) saw it as a source of devotion for God's mercy that can only be comprehended through love. During the independence struggle circa the 40s, Gita viewed as a guide to her "dharma Yuddha", the war vigorously uphold the truth against the occupiers that is not fair. For Tilak, Arjuna is "a man of action" ("karma yogin"), and Gita encourage someone to act so that he became "mokhsa" through "struggle" by which this occurred. Aurobindo, Mahatma Gandhi, Bhave, Radhakrishnan, and other figures made comments more or less the same. Without interpretation Tilak, for example, turbulence in India at that time easily judged as a pure political nature (or purely criminal?), Which is without foundation ideal, spiritual, theological and ethical.

Indeed, reflection is a hallmark of human beings as individuals and in groups. Reflection is a means to develop spirituality and become full human actualization, mature and independent. Through reflection Similarly, humans and human groups (ie tribes and nations) finds himself, realizing his place in the dimensions of space and time (in history), and carry out his call to make history for the future.

Is there a typical reflection of the reality of Indonesia? A study based on Javanese literature texts of the past contained in a doctoral dissertation PJ Zoetmulter SJ: "manunggaling subjects Gusti" (1935), which has been translated by Dick Hartoko SJ and published by PT Gramedia.

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